This is Hunter. He was a present gone bad. At 6 months of age, It was a new home or face being shot. He had "killed" the cat. I was called, went out and picked him up. Now we have YET to see him even look at a cat, but that doesn't mean anything. 2 weeks after coming to us, he got out and was hit by a car and flung into a swamp. Somehow making it back to us on his own later that night, he collapsed and didn't walk for weeks. I am glad to say, he is completely recovered, runs double lead as well as point, team and wheel. Just anywhere you want to put him.Currently trained in obedience,he will not be shown until he gains more confidence in me leaving him. People get a kick out of his calling me 'MAMA'.....I have had to explain that i DO NOT have a child in a dog run outback!!!